

UI/UX Designer, Web Developer

Passionate about coding and Designing...

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Completed Projects


Completed Designs
Hoodie man


Me, myself and I

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Maiores, expedita voluptates? Ut corrupti pariatur inventore facilis reprehenderit, aut tenetur iure.

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Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Maiores, expedita voluptates? Ut corrupti pariatur inventore facilis reprehenderit, aut tenetur iure.


My Coding Journey

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Maiores, expedita voluptates? Ut corrupti pariatur inventore facilis reprehenderit, aut tenetur iure.

Lorem ipsum dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Culpa, nobis quidem. Eos impedit assumenda illo omnis sunt magnam harum libero?

I'm still Learnin' casue i have a long way to go

How I Started Blogging

I love writing about my experiences ans share it to the world because i always knew that some people will acquire some knowledge out of it...

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Your Next Level CSS Animation

Learn the fundamental of CSS tricks that will take your website design skills to the next level

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How the Web Really Works ?

It's very essential for aspiring web developers to know how the web works before...

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Imrpove In your Coding Career

There are some certain things that you need to be doing right away to improve in your coding career...

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How to Become A CSS King

Do you want to become an expert in CSS ? Start doing all these things today.

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JavaScript is too Difficutlt ? Do this.

It's true that Javascript is a frustrating Programming language especially if you are just starting out...

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Programming is Not for You !

As an aspring web developers, there are some qualities that you need to have to achieve your goals, if you don't..

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Contact Me

I'm would love to work with great companies and to engage in great projects that will change the future of web development.

Let's talk about Coding


My Video Projects

Here are some of the projects that i have done. Check out my Youtube Channel for more